
Showing posts from November 14, 2018

Category:Slave ships

Help Category:Slave ships From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search The main article for this category is slave ship . Wikimedia Commons has media related to Slave ships . Subcategories This category has only the following subcategory. M ► Maritime incidents involving slave ships‎ (21 P) Pages in category "Slave ships" The following 119 pages are in this category, out of 119 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more).   Slave ship A Admiral Colpoys (1792 ship) Admiral Kingsmill (1796 ship) Adventure (1802 ship) Albion (1783 ship) Alexander (1794 ship) Allison (1795 ship) Amazon (1780 ship) Amelia (1795 ship) Andersons (1798 ship) Antelope (1797 ship) Antelope (1802 slave ship) Aurore (slave ship) B Banastre (1787 ship) Barton (1801 ship) HMS Black Joke (1827) Bootle (1805 ship) Boyne (1787 ship) Britannia (1783 Saltcoats ship) Britannia (1788 ship) British Tar (1797 ship) Broo...

Category:1797 ships

Help Category:1797 ships From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search ← 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 → This category is for ships launched in the year 1797. The main article for this category is List of ship launches in 1797 . Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ships built in 1797 . Pages in category "1797 ships" The following 77 pages are in this category, out of 77 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more).   List of ship launches in 1797 A HMS Acasta (1797) Admiral Gardner (1797 EIC ship) Admiral Laforey (1797 ship) Ann (1797 ship) HMS Arab (1798) Auspicious (1797 ship) B Bhavani (1797 ship) HMS Boadicea (1797) British Tar (1797 ship) HMS Buffalo (1797) HMS Busy (1797) C Caledonian (1797 ship) HMS Cambrian (1797) HMS Canopus (1798) HMS Centaur (1797) Ceres (1797 EIC ship) USS Constellation (1797) USS Constitution French frigate Cornélie (1797) Cou...

Will (1797 ship)

Will (1797 ship) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is the current revision of this page, as edited by Acad Ronin (talk | contribs) at 16:51, 5 August 2018 . The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this version. Revision as of 16:51, 5 August 2018 by Acad Ronin (talk | contribs) (diff) ← Previous revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff) Jump to navigation Jump to search History United Kingdom Name: Will Owner: Aspinal & Co. [Note 1] Builder: Liverpool Launched: 1797 Fate: Foundered July 1806; disappears from Lloyd's Register after 1807. General characteristics [1] Tons burthen: 286 (bm) Sail plan: Full rigged ship Complement: 1797:40 1800:35 1804:40 Armament: 1797:18 × 6&12-pounder guns 1800:18 × 6&12-pounder guns 1804:16 × 6-pounder guns + 2 × 12-pounder carronades 1806:2 × 9-pounder + 16 × 6-pounder guns [2] Will was a ship la...

Uusiutuva energia Italiassa

Uusiutuva energia Italiassa Kohteesta Wikipedia Siirry navigaatioon Siirry hakuun Pääartikkeli: Energia Italiassa Tämä artikkeli kertoo uusiutuvaan energiaan liittyvistä seikoista Italiassa. Sisällysluettelo 1 Tuulivoima 2 Aurinkoenergia 2.1 Aurinkolämmitys 2.2 Aurinkosähkö 3 Biopolttoaineet 4 Geoterminen energia 5 Katso myös 6 Lähteet Tuulivoima [ muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä ] Tuulivoima Italiassa [1] [2] Kapasiteetti (MW) Sähkö (TWh) 2007 2 726 4 034 2008 3 736 5 957 Kommentit: Italiassa oli vuonna 2009 tuulivoimakapasiteettia 4 850 MW. [3] Aurinkoenergia [ muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä ] Pääartikkeli: Aurinkoenergia Aurinkolämmitys [ muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä ] European Solar Thermal Industry Federation:in (ESTIF) mukaan vuonna 2008 Italian aurinkolämmityksen kapasiteetti oli 1 124 MWh lämpöä eli ...

.2019年春节及放假时间安排。。。农历 己亥(2019)年正月初一

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP 春节,即农历新年,一年之岁首,传统上的“年节”。春节的别称甚多,分别有新春、新岁、新年、新禧、年禧、大年等等,口头上又称度岁、庆岁、过年、过大年。春节历史悠久,由上古时代岁首祈年祭祀活动演变来。万物本乎天、人本乎祖,祈年祭祀、敬天法祖,报本反...


Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP 霸道總裁的愛情模式很讓你動心?別傻了!摘星工廠-星吧提醒跟這三個星座戀愛的人,愛TA就要為TA多著想,不要學著霸道,那樣你家親愛的一定不會讓你失望,讓你喜提氣死人不償命的愛人一個! 獅子座 說說看,你覺得你跟獅子座比霸道有幾分勝算?冒著被獅子座用獅吼功...


Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP 本条目 需要擴充。 (2007年10月16日) 请協助改善这篇條目,更進一步的信息可能會在討論頁或扩充请求中找到。请在擴充條目後將此模板移除。 威斯康辛州 State of Wisconsin 美国州份 州旗 州徽 暱稱: 美洲獾之州 格言:Forward( 前進 ) 官方语言 無 首府 麦迪逊 最大城市 密尔沃基 面积 全美第23名  - ...