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Dr Edgar Ewing Brandon

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Dr Edgar Ewing Brandon

Dr Edgar Ewing Brandon

9 Aug 1865
York Springs, Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA

8 Jun 1957 (aged 91)

Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio, USA


Oxford Cemetery


Butler County,



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Memorial ID
27598337 · View Source

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Brandon was a professor of French, university administrator and an expert on the Marquis de Lafayette. Born to John Calvin and Mary (Ewing) Brandon near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania just after the close of the Civil War, he moved as a baby with his family to Saline County, Missouri. He earned a Bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan, his Master's degree from the University of Missouri and his doctorate from the University of Paris. He served as dean of the College of Arts and Science and twice as acting president of Miami University. He was a pioneer in the use of audio recording to assist in teaching foreign language. He was the first faculty advisor to Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity and was later national president of the Fraternity. He is known as the "Architect of Phi Kappa Tau" for his early leadership. He was one of the first to receive the fraternity's Palm Award, its highest honor, in 1938 and was elected to the fraternity's Hall of Fame posthumously in its inaugural class in 2006. Brandon was married twice, first to Charlotte Taylor in 1901 and after her death to Grace Grand-Girard Glasgow, a former student and fellow Miami faculty member in Oxford in 1929. His only child, Ewing Templeton Brandon died in infancy. Brandon Hall, a dormitory across Tallawanda Road from the Phi Kappa Tau Alpha Chapter house on the Miami campus is named in his memory.

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Family Members


  • Photo

    John Calvin Brandon


  • Photo

    Mary Ewing Brandon



  • Photo

    Charlotte Taylor Brandon

    18681928 (m. 1901)

  • Photo

    Grace Grand-Girard Glasgow Brandon

    18861961 (m. 1929)


  • Mary Eleanor Brandon


  • Willie James Brandon



  • Photo

    Ewing Templeton Brandon



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See more Brandon memorials in:

  • Oxford Cemetery

  • Oxford

  • Butler County

  • Ohio

  • USA

  • Find A Grave

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  • Created by: CharlieBall

  • Added: 16 Jun 2008

  • Find A Grave Memorial 27598337

  • Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed
    ), memorial page for Dr Edgar Ewing Brandon (9 Aug 1865–8 Jun 1957), Find A Grave Memorial no. 27598337, citing Oxford Cemetery, Oxford,

    Butler County,




    Maintained by CharlieBall (contributor 46996409)


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