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The Kurdish Conflict in Turkey: Obstacles and Chances for Peace and Democracy

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Books - "The kidnapping and condemnation of the PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan represent a turning point in the development of the Kurdish problem in the Middle East. Although the Turkish state achieved a strategic victory, the Kurdish conflict is yet to be politically solved. The question whether the Turkish state... Kurdish Conflict in TurkeyThe Kurdish Conflict in Turkey

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The Kurdish Conflict in Turkey: Obstacles and Chances for Peace and Democracy

Front Cover

Ferhad Ibrahim, Gülistan Gürbey

LIT Verlag Münster, 2000 - Kurds - 208 pages

0 Reviews

"The kidnapping and condemnation of the PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan represent a turning point in the development of the Kurdish problem in the Middle East. Although the Turkish state achieved a strategic victory, the Kurdish conflict is yet to be politically solved. The question whether the Turkish state elite will be willing in this new context to change its repressive policy against the Kurds and assume a new political orientation remains open. In the current volume social scientists from different disciplines analyse the various dimensions and aspects of the Kurdish conflict. At the core of the interest are the controversy on the political implementation of violence, the relevance of the international law for the conflict, the regional and foreign relations of the PKK, and the chances and obstacles of a peaceful democratic conflict resolution. CONTENTS: Hamit Bozarslan, ""Why the armed Struggle?"" Understanding the Violence in Kurdistan of Turkey; Michael Gunter, The Kurdish Question and International Law; Gülistan Gürbey, Peaceful Settlement of Turkey`s Kurdish Conflict through Autonomy; Amr Hamzawy, Contemporary Arab Academic and Journalistic Perceptions of the Kurdish Problem; Ferhad Ibrahim, The ""Foreign Policy"" of the PKK: Regional Allies and Enemies; Robert Olson, Turkey`s Relations with Syria since Gulf War: The Kurdish Question and the Water Problem; Baskin Oran, Linguistic Minority Rights in Turkey, the Kurds, and Globalization; Norman Peach, International Law and the Kurdish Struggle for Freedom; Heidi Wedel; Migration and Displacement - Kurdish Migrants in Instanbul in the 1990s Dr. Gülistan Gürbey teaches at the Middle Eastern Study Section, Department of Political and Social Science at Free University of Berlin. Dr. Ferhad Ibrahim teaches at the Middle Eastern Study Section, Department of Political and Social Science at Free University of Berlin. Currently he is guest professor at the University of Jordan in Amman. "


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Title Page
Title Page


Why the Armed Struggle? Understanding the Violence in Kurdistan of Turkey
The Kurdish Question and International Law
Peaceful Settlement of Turkeys Kurdish Conflict Through Autonomy?
Contemporary Arab Academic and Journalistic Perceptions of the Kurdish Problem
Regional Allies Enemies and Allies
The Kurdish Question and the Water Problem

Linguistic Minority Rights in Turkey the Kurds and Globalization
Kurdish Migrants in Istanbul in the 1990s
List of Abbreviations
About the Authors

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Abdullah Ocalan actors agreement Alevi Anatolia Ankara Arab armed struggle Article borders Charter cooperation countries cultural rights Damascus Declaration demands Democracy democratic economic Erbakan establish ethnic Europe European federal force foreign policy gecekondu guerrilla Gulf HADEP Hatay Hiirriyet human rights humanitarian Hurriyet Ibid independent integrity international law Iran Iraq Iraqi Kurdistan Israel Istanbul Kurdish conflict Kurdish identity Kurdish issue Kurdish language Kurdish migrants Kurdish movement Kurdish national Kurdish nationalist Kurdish population Kurdish problem Kurdish question Kurds Kurds in Turkey leadership liberation movements Mesut Yilmaz Middle East minorities northern Iraq Ottoman Ottoman Empire parliament peace PKK's political Prime Minister Protocol regional relations repression Resolution right to self-determination secession Security Council self-determination settlement social Southeast status strategic structures Syria territory terrorism terrorist tion tribal Turgut Ozal Turkey Turkey's Turkish government Turks UN General Assembly United Nations villages violence women

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