npm failing to install @angular/common and @angular/core

I'm having a problem installing packages for @angular/core and common among others. Sometimes npm install seems to install fine, and sometimes I run it, and it stops with an ERR! Code 1 but no other details.

Why does ng -v return actual version numbers that look good (that would be the versions of packages that angular will use to compile, right?) for everything, and npm outdated also claims that I have the packages installed, but npm ls --depth=0 tells me that I have UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY for a few items and UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY @angular/core invalid.? (also, what does the invalid mean?)

ng -v shows me: (I know, we're behind on versions. No time to upgrade or test, and it's multiple developers working on it so I can't upgrade right now)

npm outdated shows the same plus some other dev libraries

but here is part of the npm list --depth=0:

And if I try to install each library separately, it fails to give npm ERR! code 1 (after a bunch of warnings on x requires a peer of y).

How do I get more details or how do I know what's wrong? Thanks.

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