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錫耶納賽馬節Palio di Siena義大利語發音:[ˈpaːljo di ˈsjɛːna]),於每年的7月2日以及8月16日在義大利錫耶納舉辦的傳統赛马。競賽時,17個區會選出10區進行比賽,一區只能派出一名騎士。競賽規定不能使用馬鞍,騎士穿著的衣服顏色象徵他們所代表的區。在7月2號舉辦的賽馬節被稱為普罗文萨诺賽馬節(Palio di Provenzano),用來紀念普罗文萨诺的瑪丹娜,這是一場特別為了錫耶納的瑪麗亞獻身精神所舉辦的,作為卡莫利亞三分區英语Terzi (Siena)(Terzo Camollia)的一個象徵。而8月16日舉行的賽馬節則被稱為Palio dell'Assunta,以紀念聖母瑪麗亞的升天。


在比賽前夕舉辦的Corteo Storico英语Corteo Storico一個盛大的遊行英语Medieval pageant,他吸引了來自世界各地的遊客和觀眾。



  • 1 歷史

    • 1.1 起源

    • 1.2 八月賽馬節

    • 1.3 法令限制

  • 2 十七個分區

  • 3 現今的比賽

  • 4 Ritual and rivalry

  • 5 Palio (Drappellone)

  • 6 The Palio runs throughout the year

  • 7 Extraordinary Palios

  • 8 各分區獲勝統計

  • 9 馬匹安全之爭議

  • 10 圖庫

  • 11 相關電影

  • 12 參考資料

  • 13 參考文獻

  • 14 參見

  • 15 外部連結



中世紀起,錫耶納在城鎮中心的廣場進行各種競賽。如多人拳擊(pugna)、馬術、鬥牛(16世紀起)等多人競賽。 14世紀起,城市開始有分區參賽的慣例,這類在錫耶納境內舉行的大型競賽開始有palii alla lunga的名稱。比賽之盛大,往往擴及整個城市。

1590年托斯卡尼大公立法禁止鬥牛賽,因此各分區改在田野廣場舉行其他非鬥牛的競賽。一開始是水牛賽(bufalate),後來改為賽驢(asinate), 此時其他地方已開始有賽馬活動出現。1633年始開始有我們現在看到的賽馬(義大利文稱palio alla tonda,有別於早期的palii alla lunga)。[1]


一開始,每年只在七月二號舉行一次賽馬。1701年起,第二場賽馬節才偶爾在8月16號舉行。由於8月16號恰逢聖母升天節,因此第二場賽馬節常常被自動歸類為聖母升天節的慶典之一。而之所以會訂在8月16日是因為8月14和15號已經被廣泛認定為聖安東尼日義大利語Processione dei Ceri


第一場八月賽馬節舉辦於1581年8月15日。[citation needed]


1792年,來自慕尼黑的執政者巴伐利亞的薇奧蘭特英语Duchess Violante Beatrice of Bavaria首次替錫耶納的17個分區訂定了正式的劃分界線;同時還整併了部分分區,將整個錫耶納的分區數縮減為17個。鑑於往年競賽中發生的意外,法令於同年規定最多十個分區參賽。



  • 600px Giallo listato di Nero e Turchino.PNG鷹區

  • 600px Giallo e Verde listati di Azzurro con quadrato Rosso.PNG毛毛蟲區

  • 600px Giallo e Rosso a quadri con liste turchine.PNG蝸牛區

  • 600px Nero e Rosso incrociati listati di Bianco.PNG貓頭鷹區

  • 600px Rosa Antico e Verde con cornice gialla.PNG龍區

  • 600px Bianco listato di Rosso.PNG長頸鹿區

  • 600px Bianco listato di Nero Turchino e Rosso.PNG豪豬區

  • 600px Bianco e Arancio listati di Turchino.PNG獨角獸區

  • 600px Bianco e Nero listati di Arancione.png母狼區

  • 600px Blu listato di Rosso e Bianco.PNG貝殼區

  • 600px Verde listato di Bianco e Rosso con Cerchio Giallo in mezzo.PNG鵝區

  • 600px Bianco e Celeste a Quadri.PNG波浪區

  • 600px Blu e Rosso incrociati listati di Bianco.PNG豹區

  • 600px Verde e Arancione listati di Bianco.PNG森林區

  • 600px Giallo e Azzurro Linee Diagonali.PNG龜區

  • 600px Rosso listato di Bianco e Azzurro.PNG塔區

  • 600px Giallo e Rosso listato di Bianco Linee Orizzontali.png綿羊谷區,經常簡稱為 Montone[2]

每一場比賽中, 十七分區中只有十個分區參與:去年未參賽的七個分區,其餘三隊則為抽籤決定。[3]




The carroccio英语carroccio of Siena during the Corteo Storico英语Corteo Storico procession preceding the Palio of August 2006

The race is preceded by a spectacular pageant, the Corteo Storico英语Corteo Storico, which includes (among many others) Alfieri, flag wavers, in medieval costumes. Just before the pageant, a squad of carabinieri on horseback, wielding swords, demonstrate a mounted charge英语charge (warfare) around the track. They take one lap at a walk, in formation, and a second at a gallop that foreshadows the excitement of the race to come, before exiting down one of the streets that leads out of Piazza del Campo. Spectators arrive early in the morning, eventually filling the centre of the town square, inside the track, to capacity; the local police seal the entrances once the festivities begin in earnest. Seats ranging from simple bleacher英语bleachers to elaborate box seats英语box (theatre) may be had for a price, but sell out long before the day of the race.

在比賽之前有個壯觀的盛會,古裝遊行英语Corteo Storico,其中包括(在許多其他人中)Alfieri,旗幟揮舞,在中世紀的服裝。 就在賽前,卡賓槍騎兵隊揮舞著劍,在賽道周圍表演衝鋒。 他們步行一圈,形成一秒鐘,另外一個賽道,預示著比賽的興奮,然後退出了出自Piazza del Campo的一條街道。 觀眾清晨到達,最終填補了城市廣場的中心,在軌道內,容納; 一旦慶祝活動開始,當地警方就會密封入口。 從簡單的長椅到精心製作的座椅座椅的座位可能有一個價格,但在比賽當天很久才賣出。

七月賽馬節的下午七點半及八月賽馬節的下午七點,爆炸聲響徹整個廣場,向成千上萬的圍觀者通報了比賽即將開始。比賽將會繞著田野廣場奔跑三圈,the perimeter of which is covered with several inches of dirt and tuff (imported and laid for the occasion at great expense to the city) and the corners of which are protected with padded crash barriers for the occasion. The jockeys ride the horses bareback from the starting line, an area between two ropes. Nine horses, in an order only decided by lot immediately before the race starts, enter the space. The tenth, the rincorsa, waits outside. When the rincorsa finally enters the space between the ropes the starter (mossiere) activates a mechanism that instantly drops the canapo (the front rope). This process (the mossa) can take a very long time, as deals have usually been made between various contrade and jockeys that affect when the rincorsa moves - he may be waiting for a particular other horse to be well- or badly-placed, for example.

View of the Piazza del Campo, where the Palio is run

在危險的,陡峭的斜坡軌道上,騎士被允許使用他們的鞭子(義大利語, nerbi,拉伸的,乾公牛皮)不僅為自己的馬,而且為了擾亂其他馬和騎士。事實上,是由代表他的對手的馬贏得的,而不是騎師。 獲勝者是穿過終點線的第一匹馬 - 一匹馬可以沒有騎手贏得勝利(一種被稱為cavallo scosso的條件)。 一匹馬也可以沒有它的裝飾頭飾(spennacchiera),雖然相反的信念也被廣泛地持有,甚至在塞內加爾人之間。 比賽中的失敗者被認為是馬匹是第二,而不是最後的對手。



600px Giallo listato di Nero e Turchino.PNG 鷹區

600px Giallo e Verde listati di Azzurro con quadrato Rosso.PNG 毛毛蟲區

600px Giallo e Rosso a quadri con liste turchine.PNG 蝸牛區

600px Nero e Rosso incrociati listati di Bianco.PNG 貓頭鷹區

600px Rosa Antico e Verde con cornice gialla.PNG 龍區

600px Bianco listato di Rosso.PNG 長頸鹿區

600px Bianco listato di Nero Turchino e Rosso.PNG 豪豬區

600px Bianco e Arancio listati di Turchino.PNG 獨角獸區

600px Bianco e Nero listati di Arancione.png 母狼區

600px Blu listato di Rosso e Bianco.PNG 貝殼區

600px Verde listato di Bianco e Rosso con Cerchio Giallo in mezzo.PNG 鵝區

600px Bianco e Celeste a Quadri.PNG 波浪區

600px Blu e Rosso incrociati listati di Bianco.PNG 豹區

600px Verde e Arancione listati di Bianco.PNG 森林區

600px Giallo e Azzurro Linee Diagonali.PNG 龜區

600px Rosso listato di Bianco e Azzurro.PNG 塔區

600px Giallo e Rosso listato di Bianco Linee Orizzontali.png 綿羊谷區


幾年來,錫耶納賽馬節一直是動物權益組織抗議活動的焦點,其中包括反活體解剖聯盟英语American Anti-Vivisection Society。主要原因是比賽造成的跌倒經常導致了馬的死亡。

這些擔憂導致了意大利旅遊部部長在2011年阻止錫耶納賽馬節被提名為聯合國教科文組織 非物質文化遺產名錄。[9]

根據反活體解剖聯盟英语American Anti-Vivisection Society統計,1970至2007年共有48匹馬因錫耶納賽馬節而死亡,[10] 然而,賽馬節的支持者指出,因錫耶納賽馬節而死亡的馬匹死亡數量僅有交通事故死亡的2.05%。[11] 自90年代以來,制定和執行了許多關於動物保護的規定,賽馬節的支持者強調自那時以來,馬匹受傷情形已經大大減少。


  • 由市議會任命的由兩名外科醫生強制進行健康檢查[12]

  • 於1999年5月引入化學血清分析技術,以確保無使用興奮劑和抑製劑和局部麻醉劑管理物質[13]




  • Palio英语Palio (film) by Alessandro Blasetti英语Alessandro Blasetti (1932)

  • La ragazza del Palio by Luigi Zampa英语Luigi Zampa (1957)

  • Bianco rosso celeste – cronaca dei giorni del Palio di Siena by Luciano Emmer英语Luciano Emmer (1963)

  • "The Winds Rise", the first episode of the 1983 miniseries The Winds of War英语The Winds of War (miniseries), ABC miniseries directed by Dan Curtis英语Dan Curtis

  • Il bianco e il nero – Tutti i colori del Palio di Siena by Anton Giulio Onofri (2002)

  • The Last Victory by John Appel英语John Appel (2004)

  • Visioni di Palio by Anton Giulio Onofri (2004)

  • Piazza delle Cinque Lune英语Piazza delle Cinque Lune by Renzo Martinelli英语Renzo Martinelli (2006)

  • Quantum of Solace, the 22nd James Bond movie, directed by Marc Forster (2008)

  • Palio英语Palio (2015 film) by Cosima Spender英语Cosima Spender and John Hunt (2015)


  1. ^ The Palio Horse Race - All the victories at the Palio di Siena from 1633 to 1691. Ilpalio.org. [15 September 2016]. 

  2. ^ The contrada of Valdimontone, although its colors are yellow, red and white, has a habit of taking the prize for the jockey jacket with yellow and pink. This custom, reported since the 18th century, was formalized in 1833, to avoid confusion with contrada of Chiocciola, whose colors (yellow, red and blue) are almost identical.

  3. ^ Archivio del Palio di Siena. Il Palio.Siena .it. [19 June 2012]. 

  4. ^ The Palio Horse Race - Commonly Asked Questions Regarding The Horses. Ilpalio.org. [19 June 2012]. 

  5. ^ [1]

  6. ^ 75 seconds to Victory. [21 September 2009]. (原始内容存档于17 五月 2009).  请检查|archive-date=中的日期值 (帮助)

  7. ^ Terzi (Siena)

  8. ^ Palio di Siena - vittorie. Ilpalio.org. [19 June 2012]. 

  9. ^ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/apr/17/palio-siena-ban-horse-cruelty

  10. ^ Il palio di Siena dossier della Lega Anti Vivisezione

  11. ^ Sergio Profeti, Le vere cifre degli infortuni sul tufo, Ed.Sunto, 2004 (PDF). [19 June 2012]. 

  12. ^ cf. Regulation of the Palio (Chapter IV – The submission, selection and award lots of horses) Article 37: The horses to be presented must, in the days immediately preceding the question on the written request of owners, undergo a visit by a Veterinary Commission, which must express opinion on health at the races in "Campo".

  13. ^ cf. Regulation of the Palio (Cap.V, testing and racing jockeys) .57 Article: It is prohibited to administer their peers in any way, intoxicating, practice clutches of any kind, or apply "Perette.

  14. ^ This project aims to achieve: the accreditation of the owners, after verification of appropriate conditions, the selection of horses with common features of the biometric considered optimal for the commitment to be addressed; training of subjects in competitions and training courses to order to optimize the preparation and adaptability to the location of the Palio, the implementation of a system of economic incentives for owners to address the purchase and breeding of horses with shared characteristics, the constant monitoring of animals by veterinarians being the Regulatory Commission Technical Hall. See also Rendiconto Giunta Cenni 2001-2006[失效連結], pag.275

  15. ^ cfr. Board of Work Statement, cit.

  16. ^ Campioni al pascolo, di Gianni Perotti – Famiglia Cristiana英语Famiglia Cristiana page 33 14 August 2005 questo reportage Archive.is的存檔,存档日期2005-01-20 The Breeding Center of wilderness.

  17. ^ Palio di Siena, alcol-test per i fantini. Style.it. [19 June 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012年7月22日). 

  18. ^ ORDINANZA del 21 luglio 2009. Normativasanitaria.it. [19 June 2012]. 


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  • Brown, Margaret Mcdonough and Titus Buckhardt (1960). Siena, the City of the Virgin. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  • Drechsler, Wolfgang英语Wolfgang Drechsler (2006). "The Contrade, the Palio and the Ben Comune: Lessons from Siena", Trames 10(2), 99-125.[2]

  • Dundes, Alan and Alessandro Falassi (2005). La Terra in Piazza. An Interpretation of the Palio of Siena. 2 the new edn. (Orig. 1972). Siena: Nuova Immagine. (Standard work, but meanwhile very controversial because of its Freudian interpretation.)

  • Falassi, Alessandro (1985). "Palio Pageant: Siena's Everlasting Republic", The Drama Review 29(3), 82-92.

  • Handelman, Don (1998). Models and Mirrors: Towards an Anthropology of Public Events. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • Silverman, Sydel (1979). "On the Use of History in Anthropology: The Palio of Siena", American Ethnologist 6(3), 413-436. (Most important counter-model to Dundes & Falassi.)

  • Pascal, C. Bennett (1981). "October Horse", Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 85, 261-291.

  • Spicer, Dorothy Gladys (1958). Festivals of Western Europe. Wilson.

  • 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, "Siena".

  • Il Palio di Siena website - English Summary.


  • Ansano "Ansanello" Giovannelli

  • Bravio delle botti英语Bravio delle botti of Montepulciano


  • The Palio (英文) The definitive English language site for all Palio Di Siena related information

  • Archive of the Palio di Siena I (意大利文) The Italian archive site includes access to short contemporary films of the Palio for 1930 and most subsequent years.

  • Archive of the Palio di Siena II (英文)

  • History of the Race (意大利文) (英文)

  • Siena - Map It Out! (英文) How to Survive a Day at the Palio

  • How to be more than a spectator (英文)

坐标:43°19′06″N 11°19′53″E / 43.31833°N 11.33139°E / 43.31833; 11.33139

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Category:Culture of Tuscany英语Category:Culture of Tuscany
Category:Italian traditions英语Category:Italian traditions
Category:Festivals in Italy英语Category:Festivals in Italy
Category:Horse races in Italy英语Category:Horse races in Italy
Category:Tourist attractions in Tuscany英语Category:Tourist attractions in Tuscany
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Category:1656 establishments in the Grandy Duchy of Tuscany英语Category:1656 establishments in the Grandy Duchy of Tuscany
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